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It’s been a trying week!

on May 9, 2014

word of the week trying

“Where’s this water come from?!” asks hubby.

…which is never a good thing to hear, especially not when you’re just about to sit down together to watch a DVD for ‘date night’!

Given our issues with our boiler (and the leak that came through the kitchen ceiling), we both automatically looked at the ceiling and were relieved at least that no water was coming down…!

An hour or so later and we had dismantled the washing machine waste pipe, part of the kitchen sink plumbing and emptied the water pipe into a mop bucket (several times!).

Not the most relaxing night but it could have been much, much worse.  We were immensely proud of ourselves, given that we don’t have any plumbing skills.  Between us, we remedied the problem with minimal stress.

From trying to ‘keep calm and sort the washing machine’ which was very ‘trying’, to persisting and keeping on ‘trying’ to eliminate the source of the problem, it’s easy to see why my word of the week with The Reading Residence is indeed ‘trying’!

Join in…

word of the week


Read my emotional and inspiring true story ‘Diary of a Complicated Pregnancy’. Available now through my website at Virtually All Sorts. 50% of sales to the charity Action on Pre-Eclampsia. …and visit my facebook page or follow me on twitter @ComplicatedPreg


Also available – my indispensable guide to avoiding ‘Working Mum Guilt’. Whether you are about to return or have already started back, this book offers practical solutions and feedback from real Mums with real families in real situations. Covering topics such as Post Natal Depression, childcare options, yours and your child’s development and time management – Ditch the guilt today! … and visit my facebook page or follow me on twitter @WorkingMumGuilt


Thank you.

12 responses to “It’s been a trying week!

  1. Abby Boid says:

    Good for you guys, trying, certainly. However, you managed it so much better than I would have.

  2. Go you guys! Plumbing is my least fave in school before and in household now. It is so complicated! And you tackled it well! #wotw

  3. Oh that sounds rubbish! Poor you, but well done for fixing it x

  4. Oh no, I hate it when things like this happen. And how typical that you had lovely plans, too. But well done for sorting it all and remaining calm 🙂 Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  5. That is very trying, but well done for sorting it all out yourselves 🙂 #WotW

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