
Blogging all things parenting… and sometimes a bit in between ;)

Food, fun and family

on April 1, 2014


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Food, fun and family sums up our weekend very nicely!  Growing up on a farm, I’ve taken for granted all the things that I’ve done as a child that other children might not have a chance to do at the drop of a hat.  Digging around for seeds in soil, driving tractors, having rides on tractors, getting involved in harvest, ‘wild oating’ (or weeding in layman’s terms) and the freedom you feel playing on a farm.  These things really are the stuff of childhood memories.

Over the weekend I loved every single minute of watching our little bear with her ‘pop’ digging around in a freshly drilled sugar beet field, picking out 6 little blue seeds and re-sewing them.  Then clambering around on a ploughed field with her cousins, searching for bits of ‘treasure’ (broken pottery) and keeping her ‘loot’ in her pocket.  Finally, playing football, then piggy in the middle, and then rolling her cousin around on the lawn in a springy tunnel.

There was plenty of yummy food (thanks Mum), not forgetting the Waffleberry pudding (thanks Big Sis!), plenty of adventure, plenty of ‘raw’ learning, plenty of digging, plenty of laughs and generally plenty of fun!


I’m linking up with #TheThemeGame of ‘family’ at The Reading Residence and Redpeffer with this post.

Looking for something new to do?  Join in!



Read my emotional and inspiring true story ‘Diary of a Complicated Pregnancy’. Available now through my website at Virtually All Sorts. 50% of sales to the charity Action on Pre-Eclampsia. …and visit my facebook page or follow me on twitter @ComplicatedPreg

Also available – my indispensable guide to avoiding Working Mum Guilt’. Whether you are about to return or have already started back, this book offers practical solutions and feedback from real Mums with real families in real situations. Covering topics such as Post Natal Depression, childcare options, yours and your child’s development and time management – Ditch the guilt today! … and visit my facebook page or follow me on twitter @WorkingMumGuilt

Thank you.

8 responses to “Food, fun and family

  1. Growing up on a farm, how fantastic! Thanks fir sharing your family fun with #TheThemeGame

  2. That sounds like so much fun!! I have the most amazing memory of visiting the farm of my parents friends in Wales at Easter time when I was little – I remember blowing and painting eggs, watching a little lamb being fed from a bottle in the farm kitchen and playing hide and seek up in a hayloft! Magical places when you’re a child! #TheThemeGame

  3. Oh, this sounds just lovely. What a great weekend, and the food sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing with #TheThemeGame x

  4. mummytries says:

    Sounds like a great weekend, and (more importantly) a wonderful childhood 🙂

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