
Blogging all things parenting… and sometimes a bit in between ;)


on January 31, 2014


blog pics word of the week

Ok so I’m not sure that ‘Ha’ is actually classed as a word by definition.  (I’m not going to even check because frankly, I want this to be  my #WordoftheWeek.  I hope Jocelyn at The Reading Residence, whose linky this is, doesn’t mind.

On with my blog then…

“Ha!” is the word that came to mind immediately after reading a blogpost by Sarah Ockwell-Smith about Gina Ford’s book ‘The Contented Mother’s Guide’.

Now there’s various reasons why I didn’t agree to follow Ford’s strict routine for our little bear.  All of the reasons are basically outlined by Ockwell-Smith in her blog.

The point that particularly struck a cord with me was on PND, which I have blogged about before.  In my opinion, Ford’s book is actually very dangerous.

The reason and question being: why put any more pressure on a new mum/parents to feel ‘perfect’ then there already is?  Yes, I appreciate that the book should perhaps only be seen and used as a guide.  But the fact is that a sleep-deprived, anxious, doting, confused, hormone-possessed, post-natal mum simply wants to do their best for their newborn and is often desperate for advice.  Fine.  Seek advice.  But surely only parents are ‘qualified’ to do so?  I don’t believe that Ford is a parent!

Ok, I’m ranting but this topic really does infuriate me…

PND is dangerous.  PND is very much taboo, with every new Mum wanting to look like they’re coping in a pink (or blue) fluffy world and not wanting to ask for help (until PND has got them in a vice-grip).

New mums need support, not an air-brushed sign post in the form of this book.

That’s my opinion.  What do you think?


Read my emotional and inspiring true story ‘Diary of a Complicated Pregnancy’. Available now through my website at Virtually All Sorts. 50% of sales to the charity Action on Pre-Eclampsia. …and visit my facebook page or follow me on twitter @ComplicatedPreg

Also available – my indispensable guide to avoiding ‘Working Mum Guilt’. Whether you are about to return or have already started back, this book offers practical solutions and feedback from real Mums with real families in real situations. Covering topics such as Post Natal Depression, childcare options, yours and your child’s development and time management – Ditch the guilt today! … and visit my facebook page or follow me on twitter @WorkingMumGuilt

 Thank you.

4 responses to “Ha!

  1. You make a good point. I remember reading Ford when I had Boo. I got the basic concept, but there was no way I’d have tried to follow it to the schedule – it’d have been exhausting and stressful, so yes, I see your point there. But then, can she help some people get control? I don’t know – I just know she wasn’t for me! And yes, I’m sure ‘Ha’ is a word 😉 Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  2. HA! indeed- Little B got into a routine when he went to nursery but before that every time I thought I had a handle on him he changed!

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